701 S.Columbia Dr.
Decatur, Georgia 30030, U.S.A.
PO Box 520
Decatur, Georgia 30031, U.S.A.

tel: 404-378-8821

Partnership contact: Dr. Mark Douglas,
Professor of Christian Ethics
tel: 404-687-4650

Černá 9
Praha 1
110 00
Česká republika

tel:+420 221 988 211

Partnership contact: Dr. Petr Sláma,
Associate Professor of Old Testament
te: +420-734-252-006


History of Partnership


Columbia Theological Seminary (CTS) has long enjoyed a rich and meaningful student and faculty exchange relationship with the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University.

CTS first sent a group of students and faculty to Prague in January of 1989 for a cross-cultural immersion course that exposes students to the church in a context different from their own.

Most recently, Drs. Anna Carter Florence and Brennan Breed led the course and took thirteen CTS students to Prague. On January 8, Dr. Florence attended the meeting of the American Working Group. There she spoke about the student visit to Prague, explained the history and purpose of such visits, and of how the visits broaden the horizons of students who often have very little knowledge of the world or the church beyond the south-eastern United States.

For the 2004-2005 academic year, Dr. Petr Sláma of the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University was a Fulbright Scholar at CTS. And for most years since 1989, CTS has hosted a Charles University student for a semester of study on scholarship. During fall term 2018, Charles University will host two CTS students to study on exchange. 


We are very grateful for this vibrant relationship and the important learning and understanding it promotes.